The George, a boutique building as an urban dynamizer and builder of a new rental identity
Hollywood, Florida, USA.

The understanding of living space has been changing in recent years.
As city dwellers we have learned to value the importance of space in our quality of life. And we have become aware of the definition of home as the basis of family life.
From design, we work hard to create spaces that more than surprise, inspire the human being and claim the need to seek a better life. We have understood that there are no frontiers in the disciplines when it comes to designing spaces for living, and that a concerted vision, where thinking values focused on generating more humane, sustainable and efficient spaces from design is the fundamental basis for the construction of a new human well-being: our main challenge is to turn quality of life into the new lifestyle of South Florida.
For this, NMD NOMADAS is developing important alliances with visionary firms that complement us in the construction of a new discourse charged with an ideal principle: to develop a new ethical concept of high standard quality of life.
Description: Constructing permeability and singularity. Type: Residential Architecture. Architecture: NMD NOMADAS. Project Year: 2022. Location: Hollywood, Florida, USA. 3D Images: NMD NOMADAS.