ELEVATE, a rental project with an urban heart
Dania Beach, Florida.

The ELEVATE project is located in Dania Beach in Broward, in the state of Florida.
NMD NOMADAS was invited to participate in the ELEVATE team with an advanced architectural blueprint and a completed permitting round. The contribution deserved strong design actions that improved the urban implantation of the building, the spatial and experiential quality, as well as its economic profitability.
Be human + Be Urban
Our proposal started from the creation of a new urban heart. We create a large lobby plaza where the interior and exterior space merge to create an atmosphere of great urban vocation, which connects the residents and the building with the street. Thus conceiving an important meeting, stay and enjoyment space for the residents and visitors of the building.
Residents arrive at their apartments by passing through common spaces. There are three types of apartments to respond to the diverse needs of the real estate market. In all the apartments a space for the home office was contemplated (since before the pandemic).
Be productive
We achieved, together with the owner, changes and adjustments that had a direct impact on: the improvement of the quality of life of the users, the urban impact of the project and the increase in the financial return numbers of the investor, by at least 5% per year. How did we do it ?:
1. We redesigned the apartment types to increase your profitability.
2. We reduced the costs of the construction area.
3. We increase the value of the property due to the quality of the user experience: Be HUE
Thanks to the ELEVATE team for allowing us to be part of this initiative and thus be able to design a rental project with an urban heart in Dania Beach.
www.bizjournals.com: Dania Beach apartment project nabs construction loan. By Brian Bandell.
Rafael Pecchio on Elevate Apartments at Dania Beach. Youtube: ILP Developers.
www.rebusinessonline.com: Trez Capital Provides $64.7M Construction Loan for Elevate Apartments in South Florida
www.TrezCapital.com Trez Capital Provides $64.7M Loan for Dania Beach Apartment Community
Architecture: NMD NOMADAS. Structural Engineering: De Los Reyes Engineering Inc, Civil: Thomas Engineering Group. Landscape Architecture: AAL Architectural Alliance Landscape. Interior Architecture: FH&A in a HAIM NOMADAS Solution. Construction: Plaza Construction Group Florida, LLC. Proyect Year :2020. Construction Year: TBD. Construction Area: 46905.07 m2 / 504,882 sq ft. Location: Dania Beach, florida. 3d Images: Exteriors: Digital Light, Interiors: NMD NOMADAS
Developer: Royal Palm Companies